Last Photo
One Thing Is For Certain There Will Be One
Your last photo.... I had read in a popular motivational book somewhere (Chicken Soup For The Soul or something like that) that you should take every photo like it is your last photo.
Like you, I was taken back a bit at first but the idea resonated and has stuck with me since that moment.
Today's technology has a potential downside as we approach information overload and concerns about privacy reach new levels of anxiety and unease. Social media sites and mobile applications are going to change the way we look at pictures (and picture taking) now and in the future.
Have you thought about ....
Taking a moment at a gathering where the people who are together rarely to ask them to slide in together at the table (and pretend to like each other for a minute)? TIP: Pull in close and focus on their eyes and smiles. Most photos are taken from too far away since we are worried about invading some sort of personal space with our loved ones. Don't over kill a party or gathering with the camera out but DO grab a few great shots.
Placing a little one on a relative's lap or knee and zooming in to just the facial reactions. Prompt a kiss or a squeeze if appropriate. Kids need to look back and know that they have been cared about. Again, get in close and it may be worth framing at some point. Everyone needs
cute baby pictures
Prioritizing the photos that you post online or send in email? Take a moment, delete more that you keep. It sounds harsh but you know which ones are "keepers" and which ones are just filling up your memory card. Why cause friends to glaze over with a ton of photos with "backs" of heads, long distance shots (that you can't see the people anyway), distracting backgrounds and bad lighting?
Be A Good Subject
Teens are natually learning to react when a camera is out. Now, you don't have to attempt to look like you are on stage but you don't have to look like you have set yourself up for a mug shot or a duck away snap shot from the Paparazzi either!
Take some time to find out what your "best side" might be. (There really is one you that you may find that you are more comfortable with and may not have known it.) Search some keywords for
portrait photography tips
and learn some techniques the pros use to make people appear slimmer. They say to hold your chin up and out a bit. They take photos from slightly ABOVE the subjects rather than angles taken from below. Many sites can quickly show you poses and things to do with your arms that work amazingly well if you are normally self-conscious getting your picture taken.
So next time someone says "watch the birdie" and wants to take your photo, do them a favor, don't be difficult, lean in, and smile like it's your last photo.
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